News & Commentary

When insurers, policymakers and the real economy collide

As 2016 gets underway, the Bank of England is taking its microscope to the connections between insurers’ asset allocation decisions, Solvency II, movements in asset prices and the wider economy.

Phoenix swoops in on Abbey Life

Closed book pension provider Phoenix Group is reportedly making a move on Deutsche Bank’s UK insurance unit, Abbey Life.

Regulation casts a long shadow across insurers’ screens

One of the key features of every Insurance Investment Exchange event is the opportunity for the participants to anonymously express their views on a range of topics.

Global Insurance Trends 22.03.2016

This week, the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) and the Treasury published their Financial Advice Market Review, which intends to enable wider access to financial advice following the changes brought in through the Retail Distribution Review(RDR) three years ago.

Barings to become giant global fund after MassMutual mergers

MassMutual, a major US-based mutual life insurance company, has announced a $260bn (£183bn) merger of four asset management affiliates which will be combined under the Barings brand.

When it comes to rates, be careful what you wish for

It is not every day that the Bank of International Settlements warns that confidence in central bank omnipotence has begun to falter, but when it does it is worth a read.


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